102 research outputs found

    A transfêrencia internacional de trabalhadores e sua tutela jurídica

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    [Abstract] The internationalization of companies has had the impact of increasing the trans- ference of workers to foreign countries and, therefore, has made necessary the reinter- pretation and some adjustments in the labor legal protection of these so-called expa- triated or transferred workers. There are many questions that now arise about the best legal protection to these workers, which are the following: 1) which are the labour prin- ciples applicable to such cases? 2) Is the existing law applicable to expatriated workers? 3) How long does the employment contract of the expatriated worker last? 4) Among the possibilities of suspension, interruption and extinction of the employment contract of the expatriated worker, which is the best option? 5) Which is the wage perspective of the expatriated worker

    Mandible metastasis of small cell lung cancer mimicking a residual cyst

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    Small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) is an uncommon tumor characterized by an aggressive behavior with early metastasis, usually to the contralateral lung, liver, brain, and bones. There are only five cases of this particular tumor metastasizing to the oral cavity described in the English literature. We present the case of metastatic SCLC in the mandible with radiographic findings resembling a residual cyst. A 66-year-old man with previous diagnosis and treatment for a SCLC was referred to the Stomatology Department with a history of persistent pain in the mandible 1 year after the inferior right pre-molar tooth extraction. The radiographic exam showed a well-delimited radiolucent area on that extracted tooth’s region resembling a residual cyst. Biopsy was performed yielding the diagnosis of metastatic SCLC. The patient was referred to the clinical oncologist for chemotherapy. Although uncommon, this tumor should be included in the differential diagnosis of jawbone lesions, particularly when the patient presents a previous diagnosis of SCL

    Factors for Measuring Photovoltaic Adoption from the Perspective of Operators

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    The diffusion of photovoltaic distributed generation is relevant for addressing the political, economic, and environmental issues in the electricity sector. However, the proliferation of distributed generation brings new administrative and operational challenges for the sustainability of electric power utilities. Electricity distributors operate in economies of scale, and the high photovoltaic penetration means that these companies have economic and financial impacts, in addition to influencing the migration of other consumers. Thus, this paper aims to systematically identify and evaluate critical factors and indicators that may influence electricity distributors in predicting their consumers’ adoption of photovoltaic technology, which were subjected to the analysis of 20 industry experts. Results show that the cost of electricity, generation capacity, and cost of the photovoltaic systems are the most relevant indicators, and it is possible to measure a considerable part of them using the internal data of the electricity distributors. The study contributes to the understanding of the critical factors for the forecast of the adoption of consumers to distributed photovoltaic generation, to assist the distribution network operators in the decision making, and the distribution sustainability. Also, it establishes the theoretical, political, and practical implications for the Brazilian scenario and developing countries.This research was funded by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico [grant numbers 311926/2017-7, 142448/2018-4, 310594/2017-0 and 465640/2014-1], Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior [grant numbers 1773252/2018, 1845395/2019 and 23038.000776/2017–54] and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul [grant number 17/2551-0000517-1].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) and uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) : characterization and comparison

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    Introduction: Avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) and uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) are responsible for avian colibacillosis and human urinary tract infections, respectively. There are genetic similarities between the APEC and UPEC pathotypes, suggesting the APEC strains could be a potential reservoir of virulence and antimicrobial-resistance genes for the UPEC strains. This study aimed to characterize and compare APEC and UPEC strains regarding the phylogroup classification, pathogenicity and antimicrobial susceptibility. Methodology: A total of 238 APEC and 184 UPEC strains were selected and characterized. The strains were assayed for antimicrobial susceptibility and classified into phylogenetic groups using a multiplex-PCR protocol. In addition, the APEC strains had previously been classified according to their in vivo pathogenicity. Results: The results showed that both pathotypes had variation in their susceptibility to most of the antimicrobial agents evaluated, with few strains classified as multidrug resistant. The highest resistance rate for both pathotypes was to amoxicillin. Classifying the APEC and UPEC strains into phylogenetic groups determined that the most frequently frequencies were for groups D and B2, respectively. These results reflect the pathogenic potential of these strains, as all the UPEC strains were isolated from unhealthy patients, and most of the APEC strains were previously classified as pathogenic. Conclusions: The results indicate that distribution into phylogenetic groups provided, in part, similar classification to those of in vivo pathogenicity index, as it was possible to adequately differentiate most of the pathogenic and commensal or low-pathogenicity bacteria. However, no relationship could be found between the specific antimicrobial agents and pathogenicity or phylogenetic group for either pathotype


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    Os resíduos de atividades agrícolas e agropecuárias possuem um grande potencial para produção de biogás, o qual é constituído por um terço de gás metano, um terço de dióxido de carbono e um terço de outros gases. O biogás se apresenta como uma alternativa para substituição de energias não renováveis, contribuindo com a preservação do meio e com a melhoria da qualidade de vida da população. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o sistema de manejo e tratamento de dejetos de animais da bovinocultura de leite através de biodigestor do tipo canadense e a consequente geração de biogás e biofertilizante de uma propriedade rural, além de propor melhorias para a eficiência no processo de tratamento dos resíduos gerados, fortalecendo o desenvolvimento sustentável da mesma através de um novo modelo de biodigestor. Este estudo foi realizado nas instalações de confinamento para bovinocultura de leite de uma propriedade rural localizada no município de Espumoso-RS. Observou-se que o atual sistema de tratamento dos dejetos seria suficiente para tornar a propriedade autossustentável em geração de energia elétrica, entretanto, o tempo de retorno do investimento realizado é em longo prazo. Já com a proposta sugerida, isto é, com a prospecção e utilização de uma maior quantidade de biomassa aliada à implantação de um novo sistema de biodigestão automatizada, percebe-se que apesar da necessidade de um maior investimento, o tempo de retorno diminui em, aproximadamente, quatro anos, com um lucro mensal superior ao sistema atual, tornando a propriedade muito mais autossustentável

    Evaluation of the suberin presence in baby carrot, during the cooled conservation

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    [POR] Objetivou-se avaliar histoquimicamente a formação de periderme em minicenoura submetida à imersão em suspensão utilizada para revestimento comestível à base de amido e quitosana. Cenouras cv. Esplanada colhidas aos 90 dias, processadas na forma de minicenouras, foram imersas em suspensão contendo 3 % de amido de milho (m/v), 1,5 % de quitosana (m/v), 2 % de glicerol (v/v) e 0,4 % de ácido acético glacial (v/v). Foram mantidas sob ventilação por três horas, embaladas em bandejas de polipropileno envoltas com filme de polivinilcloreto e mantidas a 5±1 ºC. Aos 0; 10; 25 e 30 dias, amostras foram fixadas, desidratadas, incluídas em historresina ou não, cortadas em micrótomo manual, coradas com sudan Red B, montadas em lâminas e fotografadas. Minicenouras que não foram imersas em suspensão e cenouras com periderme, serviram como controle. Nas minicenouras não imersas em suspensão, foi nítido o esbranquecimento na superficie a partir do terceiro dia de conservação. Todavía, pouca diferença foi observada na perda de massa fresca entre minicenouras imersas em suspensão e não imersas. Nas avaliações microscópicas, observouse acúmulo de paredes celulares oriundas de células colapsadas e desidratadas na superfície de minicenoura com ou sem revestimento. Em minicenouras imersas na suspensão, foi observado, aos 30 dias, uma leve coloração avermelhada característica de reação positiva com sudan Red B. Todavía, isso parece estar relacionado com componentes do revestimento, uma vez que não se observou reação positiva na região das paredes celulares, onde é característico a presença de suberina, como foi evidenciado em cenouras intactas, com periderme. Portanto, não houve evidências para formação de suberina em minicenouras, com ou sem revestimento, durante o período de conservação estudado. Apoio financeiro: CAPES, CNPq e FAPEMIG. [ENG] Aimed to evaluate histoquimicamentley the presence of the periderm in baby carrot treated with edible antimicrobial coating base on a starch- chitosan matrix. Carrots of, Esplanada cultivar were harvested at 90 days after planting, were minimally processed in form of baby carrots and immersed in the suspension coating with on 3 % maiz starch (w/v) +2 % glycerol (v/v) + chitosan (1,5 %, w/v) and 0,4 % glacial acetic acid (v/v). All the samples were placed in extended polystyrene trays, wrapped in polyvinylchloride film and stored at 5±1 ºC for 12 or 15 days. At 0; 25 and 30 days, the sample were fixed, desidrated, historresin inclused our not, manual microtomo cuted, cored with red B sudan, monted in lamines and photographed. Baby carrot no immersed in suspension presented simptoms of white blush surface with 3 days of the conservation. Little difference was observed in the mass loss between immersed in suspension and not immersed baby carrots. In the microscopical evaluations, accumulation of cellular walls of colapsadas and dehydrated cells in the Surface of baby carrot with or without coating was observed. In immersed baby carrots in the suspension, it was observed, to the 30 days, a light colored coloration characteristic of positive reaction with sudan. This seems to be related with components of the coating, a time that did not observe positive reaction in the region of the cellular walls, where is characteristic the presence of suberina, as it was evidenced in unbroken carrots, with periderme. Therefore, it did not have evidences for formation of suberina in baby carrots, with or without coating, during the studied period of conservation.Os autores agradecem ao prof. Ricardo Henrique Silva Santos e estudantes pelo fornecimento da matéria-prima. À CAPES, CNPq e FAPEMIG pelo apoio financeiro

    Identification of virulence-associated markers in Escherichia coli isolated from captive red-browed amazon parrot (Amazona rhodocorytha)

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    Due to the genetic similarity of pathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from birds and pathotypes of human origin, it is suggested that they have a common ancestor and may exchange virulence-associated genes. This study aimed to detect virulence-associated genes in E. coli strains isolated from the Red-browed Amazon parrot (Amazona rhodocorytha) kept at a conservation institute in Brazil. High genetic variability in virulence was observed, since 12 virulence profiles were found among 14 strains. The number of virulence-associated genes of single strains ranged from 5 to 22 out of 33 genes tested, and only one strain did not present any virulence genes. Regarding adhesion genes, most strains presented from two to five genes, and crlA (85.7%) and fimC (85.7%) were the most frequent. Frequencies were similar for invasion and iron acquisition genes. Variations among genes were observed for serum resistance and toxin-related genes. Some of the E. coli strains isolated from parrots presented virulence genes that are commonly associated with pathotypes of human origin, including newborn meningitis E. coli, uropathogenic E. coli, and sepsis-associated E. coli. It is noteworthy that some of these genes were present in the majority of the analyzed strains. Our results indicate that these strains detected in clinically healthy parrots can be potential reservoirs of several virulence-associated genes. These genes can be transmitted to other E. coli strains, including those that affect humans. These E. coli strains present a high pathogenic potential of virulence-associated genes in extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli strains

    Soroprevalência para anticorpos anti-Toxoplasmagondii em uma propriedade na ilha do Marajó, Pará, Brasil.

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    A toxoplasmose é uma zoonose causada por Toxoplasma gondii, parasita intracelular obrigatório que tem como hospedeiros intermediários várias espécies animais, dentre estas, os equinos. Este trabalho teve por objetivo pesquisar a presença de anticorpos anti-T. gondiino soro de equinos das raças Marajoara e Puruca provenientes de uma propriedade da Ilha de Marajó. As amostras foram submetidas ao teste de Aglutinação Direta Modificada (MAD), na qual os soros foram diluídos na proporção de 1:25 até 1:800. Dos 45 equinos avaliados 13,3% (06/45) foram soros reagentes com títulos variando de 25 a 200. Conclui-se que no ambiente há presença do patógeno e causando infecção, com isso sugere-se que haja mais estudos para que seja elucidada a epidemiologia do parasita na região .Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii, a mandatory intracellularparasite that has as its intermediate hosts several animal species, among them, equines. This workaimed to investigate the presence of anti-T. gondii antibodies in the serum of horses of theMarajoara and Puruca breeds from a property on the island ofMarajó. The samples were submittedto the Modified Agglutination (MAT), in which the sera were diluted in the proportion of 1:25 to1:800. Ofthe 45 horses evaluated, 13.3% (06/45) were serum reagents with titers ranging from 25 to200. It is concluded that in the environment there is the presence of the pathogen and causinginfection, therefore it is suggested that there be more studies to elucidate the epidemiology of theparasite in the region